Active delegate

🎉 100%

Voted in 10/10 of the most recent proposals

ENS Avatar
Voting power51.09K
Delegated addresses139
Proposals created0

Delegate Statement

ENS is vital to Ethereum.

I agree and support the four articles of the ENS Constitution:

I. Name ownership shall not be infringed II. Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism III. Income funds ENS and other public goods IV. ENS Integrates with the global namespace

My appreciation for article four continues to grow as I learn more about ENS. This is how ENS expands to cover all things that can be named.

As a delegate my focus outside of upholding the constitution is to support the adoption of ENS, with a focus on:

  • L2 Support & beyond
  • Developer experience
  • Gasless capabilities
  • Supporting the proliferation of subnames

I'm here to serve.